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Enqueue is production ready, battle-tested
messaging solution for PHP. Provides a common
way for programs to create, send, read messages.

Supports major brokers such as RabbitMQ, Kafka, Amazon SQS,
Google PubSub, Redis etc.

600+ GitHub stars
100k downloads and growing




Yii PHP Framework has adopted AMQP Interop.


Great News! Queue Interop is one step closer to PHP world domination. (:

RabbitMQ tutorials based on AMQP interop


Everybody who uses AMQP in PHP must be aware of php-amqplib. It is very popular and in addition, it is used on RabbitMQ offsite in its tutorials. These tutorials cover the basics of creating messaging applications using RabbitMQ.

Getting Started with RabbitMQ in Symfony


In this blogpost I am going to show how to use RabbitMQ to schedule some background tasks in Symfony full stack application. This article will be more about message queues than images.

Decompose your monolith into fast, decoupled, reliable microservices with Enqueue 

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